Category: Canterbury Rotary News

  • Community Service Committee

    11 January 2016
    The committee is keen to help people of all ages, children, adults and the elderly particularly in the case of…
  • Rotary Fungus Walk

    25 November 2015
    Thursday 22nd October 2015Some 15 members, partners and guests took part in this walk in Blean Woods, which was led…
  • New Bedding Storage for Catching Lives

    6 November 2015
    the newly built bedding storage Rotary gearwheel photos by John Hill - click or tap images to enlarge The Community…
  • Trolley Dash 2015 in Morrisons

    21 October 2015
    Following last year's success there was a second Trolley Dash at Morrisons on Sunday 27th September to supply goods for…
  • St Quentin Visit October 2015

    6 October 2015
    A group from the Rotary Club of Canterbury spent a superb few days over the weekend of 2nd -4th October…
  • Putting the Ducks to Bed

    25 September 2015
    After the successful Duck Race of Sunday 20th September, around 3500 plastic ducks who had raced needed to be sorted…
  • Duck Race 2015

    24 September 2015
    The 17th Annual Duck Race organised each year by the Rotary Club of Canterbury took place on Sunday 20th September…
  • Mini Group Study Exchange 2015

    24 September 2015
    click or tap image to enlarge This year we invited Robert Andrews from Canterbury to join young people from the…
  • Former Rotary Student Receives MBA

    9 September 2015
    Former Japanese Ambassadorial Scholar strengthens her credentials Saya Claude (nee Ota) was a Japanese Ambassadorial Scholar hosted by the Club…
  • International Service Committee

    10 August 2015
    The International Service Committee meets monthly and consists of Rotarians, some of whom have first hand experience with working in…