Category: Archive

  • Rotary BBQ Supports League of Friends

    4 October 2014
    On Saturday 17th August, The League of Friends of Canterbury Hospitals organised its annual Joint Summer Fair.  Our Club's contribution…
  • £500 Cheque for Canterbury Samaritans

    4 October 2014
      l to r: Dr David Barton, Gerald Colson, Andrew Spence, President Robert Boyd-Howellphoto by Roger Bickerton A cheque for…
  • Duck Race 2013

    4 October 2014
    The 15th Annual Duck Race organised each year by the Rotary Club of Canterbury took place on Saturday 13th July…
  • St Quentin RC visits Canterbury RC

    4 October 2014
    October 2013 – and it was the turn of the Rotary Club of Canterbury to entertain members of its oldest…
  • 2013-2014 President Geoff Goodban

    4 October 2014
      Geoff Goodban is the new President of Canterbury Rotary Club.  The photograph above shows  the  new President (left), being…
  • Rotary Christmas Dinner 2013

    4 October 2014
    Over 100 Rotarians and guests gathered at Darwin College, University of Kent on the evening of December 14th to celebrate…
  • Prostate Awareness Day 2013

    4 October 2014
    Prostate Cancer affects 1 man in 9 and the symptoms are insidious, principally alteration of the flow of urine with…
  • Rotary has a REAL Father Christmas

    4 October 2014
    On Saturday December 7th, children in Canterbury must have thought there was REALLY a Santa Claus.  Here Canterbury Rotary Club…
  • Visit to Bretts Aggregate Works at Cliffe

    15 September 2014
    On july 4th 2012 a group of 18 Rotarians and partners visited Bretts Aggregate & Landscaping installation at Cliffe, on…
  • Old Stagers’ 2012 Picnic

    15 September 2014
    On Friday August 10th, some 18 Rotarians and their partners (as well as dozens of other evening-dressed Rotarians from other…