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Founders Dinner - Celebrating 103 years of the Rotary Club of Canterbury

25th February 2025
Venue: Howfield Manor Hotel
Founders Dinner - 25th February 'Celebrating 103 years of the Rotary Club of Canterbury.
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Lunchtime meeting: Daughters of Kings: Women of Power in the Kingdom of Kent

11th March 2025
Venue: Howfield Manor Hotel
Lunchtime speaker meeting on 11th March -' Daughters of Kings: Women of Power in the Kingdom of Kent' presented by Dr Andrew Richardson who recently appeared on BBC TV's 'Digging for Britain'.A
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Top Choir Kent Gala Concert 2015

On 28th March 2015 a packed King’s School Shirley Hall thrilled to the fine singing and varied programmes of seven invited Choirs to celebrate the 6th Year of Top Choir Kent. The policy of seating choirs in the auditorium increased the decibel level of often ecstatic appreciation of each others’ performances in the audience’s celebratory atmosphere.

All photos by John Gichigi – click or tap images to enlarge

Watching the door: John Hill and John Beckett

Canterbury Rotary President Viv Pritchard introduces the show

This year departed from the competitive element to the theme of “Help”. This was exemplified by the fine performance of East Kent based Mustard Seed, led by Ellie Cordon, an established choir who exemplify the beneficial effects of high quality singing on health and mental well-being.

Ellie Cordon, Musical Director, conducts the Mustard Seed Singers

Excellent Performances were presented by Elham Valley Voices, a mixed youth choir formed eighteen months ago by former TCK Winning Musical Director Jackie Spencer and the wide repertoire of the ladies of Canterbury Voices under Kerry Boyle, a choir which has grown and established a fine tradition in the community and beyond.

Elham Valley Voices …with their Conductor Jackie Spencer

Former Top Choir Kent winners in 2011, female harmony singers Viva Acappella under Gaynor Schofield performed magically, reminding us of their gold medals in national and international competitions.

Viva Acapella – TCK Winners in 2011 …with their Conductor Gaynor Schofield

After a spirited performance by members of Canterbury Voices, the Cantate Choir led by Robin Walker returned from their triumphal performance in TCK 2014 and the Canterbury Festival Spiegel Tent demonstrated their astonishing variety of styles with wit and humour.

Canterbury Voices with Musical Director Kerry Boyle The Cantate Choir from Sevenoaks with Musical Director Robin Walker
singing “the Worldes Joie” by Arnold Bax …and clapping to Tapsrondo by Carl Orff

The P and O Choir again showed their quality, having moved on from 2013 BBC TV winning Choir: Sing While You Work” to high-demand appearances in London Shows with Susan Boyle, from Hyde Park to the Last Night of the Proms.

P&O Choir, winners of BBC TV 2013 series: The Choir: Sing While You Work”

The final performance was by the outstanding Kentones Male Voice Choir who also perform nationally and internationally with their unique blend of big choir and Barbershop.

The Kentones from Bromley with their then being interviewed by

new Musical Director Peter Kennedy Compere Bryony Mackenzie

Bryony interviews Stuart Brown from the charity “Sing for your Life”

Peter Kennedy conducts all 7 choirs and the audience in “Help”

It was the Kentones Director Peter Kennedy, returning from his success as Director of the first TCK winners, Green Street Blues in 2010, who was responsible for the final item. On our behalf he had commissioned a special choir version for the 50th Anniversary of the first performance of the Beatles “Help”. Having worked with all the Choirs in advance, he conducted all of them on stage, and with the audience joining in created a fitting Finale for an evening of inspirational music-making.

The exact amount raised for charity is still being counted, but will be reported here.


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The Rotary Club of Canterbury
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meeting venue at present. Please
email the address on the Contact
page for meeting venues and times.

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