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Future Events

City of Canterbury Show

20th July 2024
Venue: Westgate Gardens
Rotary Clubs in and around Canterbury will be collaborating in a membership drive during the Canterbury City Show which is being held in Westgate Gardens, Canterbury over the weekend of 20th &
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Late afternoon visit and BBQ at the Strode Park Foundation, Herne

23rd July 2024
Venue: Strode Park House, Lower Herne Road, Herne, Herne Bay CT6 7NE
We have been invited to visit Strode Park House and grounds for a late afternoon BBQ where we will be joined by residents and staff of the Strode Park Foundation.
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A thanks from Canterbury Food Bank

We’re very pleased to have received a letter from the Chair of Trustees at Canterbury Food Bank to acknowledge our Club’s support for the charity.

We are all well aware of the unprecedented demand on the Food Bank over the last few months – especially in light of the pandemic and the ongoing effect it has on the welfare of many in our local community.

Martin Ward, Chair of Trustees, wrote a note of thanks for our donation of £500 – this consisted of contributions from individual Club Members for Christmas 2020 and a donation from a single member of £150.00. Early in the pandemic our Club also gave support to the Food Bank and publicised it on our website’s home page. Even before the pandemic Members of our Club supported Canterbury Food Bank’s work.

Martin, who also happens to be a Rotarian and Past President of our Club, added: “It goes without saying Canterbury Food Bank is incredibly grateful for the donation. The charity is not only seeing a rising demand for emergency food support but it has also taken on the additional financial burden of a new warehouse. Donations such as this provide the charity with the assurance it can face these demands with increasing confidence in the future.”

You can find out more about Canterbury Food Bank and how it works in this video

To visit the Food Bank’s website or to donate, please click here

You can also follow the Food Bank on Facebook and twitter. The latter is particularly good for updates on items they are short of.

Picture: Canterbury Food Bank logo (reproduced with permission).



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Get in Touch

The Rotary Club of Canterbury
St Lawrence Cricket Ground
Old Dover Road,
Canterbury, Kent,
CT1 3NZ,
United Kingdom

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