Shelterbox’s Rotary Marketing Officer has offered thanks to us on behalf of ShelterBox as “a celebration of all your activities in the past Rotary year” and “your amazing fundraising”.
We are of course one of many, many Rotary clubs that support ShelterBox, an organisation that provides help following disasters such as the devastating earthquake in Turkey and Syria earlier this year (see here for an article about our donation). The Partner Club scheme is a new way for ShelterBox to recognise support. (There are four Partner Club levels, linked to donation amount: Bronze – £2,000; Silver – £4,000; Gold – £6,000, and Platinum – £10,000.)
We are grateful for all the support and generosity from the local community – particularly at a time that is difficult for many – that has allowed us to donate to ShelterBox.
Our club is now listed on ShelterBox’s Partner Club webpage (www.shelterbox.org/partnerclubs) where you will note that fellow Canterbury Rotary Club, Forest of Blean, is listed as a Gold partner!
Picture: The Bronze Partner certificate. Picture credit: ShelterBox, reproduced with permission.