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Founders Dinner - Celebrating 103 years of the Rotary Club of Canterbury

25th February 2025
Venue: Howfield Manor Hotel
Founders Dinner - 25th February 'Celebrating 103 years of the Rotary Club of Canterbury.
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Lunchtime meeting: Daughters of Kings: Women of Power in the Kingdom of Kent

11th March 2025
Venue: Howfield Manor Hotel
Lunchtime speaker meeting on 11th March -' Daughters of Kings: Women of Power in the Kingdom of Kent' presented by Dr Andrew Richardson who recently appeared on BBC TV's 'Digging for Britain'.A
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Rotarian Travels: Mauritius

Rotary is international, with clubs in many, many countries around the world – which means Rotarians can visit other clubs if they would like to, even when they are on holiday. This is just what one of our Members did earlier this year.

Usually all that a Rotarian needs to do to visit another club is to get in contact with them and find out about their next meeting. Of course, it’s all a lot easier if you know some of the members already. 

Our Member, Shabana Raman, was invited as a visiting Rotarian by Rotarian Ming Chen to a meeting of the Rotary Club of Port Louis, Mauritius. She was lucky to participate at the club’s first ever lunch meeting at the Opium Restaurant in Mauritius. 

The guest speaker was the founder of EnnRev EnnSourir, a non-governmental organization (NGO) that looks after unwell children and ensures that they have timely and high quality paediatric treatment. “They are doing a fantastic job,” said Shabana. During their meeting Shabana also got a chance to tell the Port Louis members, as well as DG of District 9220, Yves Grondin and Mrs Grondin, about our own club, our Centenary and our activities.

Earlier on her trip to Mauritius, Shabana joined members of the Rotary Club of Grand Baie (at the invitation of Rotarian Yusha Luchmun) on a trip to La Vallée des Couleurs Nature Park – an outing that was all about fellowship, friendship and family. “It was an absolute pleasure to spend time with fellow Rotarians and exchange thoughts on our common goals,” said Shabana.

Shabana looks forward to forging more meaningful relationships with the clubs in Mauritius – especially on the cleft palate project, in collaboration with the Rotary Club of Grand Baie. More to come on this. Stay tuned!

To conclude her trip, Shabana attended the induction of President Suhayla of the Rotaract Club of Phoenix. Once again a guest of ADG Ming Chen and his wife, Rotarian Caroline Chen, Shabana had the privilege of seeing another enthusiastic group of young Rotaractors putting service before self. “The Rotaractors of Phoenix are inspirational to say the least!”.
Shabana also shared some candid shots on social media as she interacted with the members of the Rotary Club of Phoenix.

You can find out more about EnnRev EnnSourir and read about some of the children they are helping here

You can find out more about the Rotary Club of Grand Baie here and the Rotary Club of Port Louis here.

Picture: Shabana (centre) at the Rotary Club of Port Louis meeting. Picture credit: Shabana Raman. 


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The Rotary Club of Canterbury
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meeting venue at present. Please
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