We always like to inspire young people and help them develop skills that they may use in their future careers – so we were very excited when staff at Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School in Faversham (QEGS) took up an idea to hold a sari-inspired exhibition at the school. It was a chance for youngsters to develop a real event open to the public and be involved in all stages of creating an exhibition. Yesterday evening the youngsters did themselves proud in putting on a wonderful show!
The exhibition, held in the Elizabeth Quinn Theatre at the school, showcased various pieces of work that the students had produced alongside saris lent by Rotarian Julie Reza. The students had used the fabrics, colours and sari motifs to inspire them in their display pieces. There were a number of mirrors on display from year 12 students – in each case the students had designed the final piece and cut intricate individual parts using a special laser printer before assembling the final mirror. Scans of their sketchbooks and working drawings were projected for all to see. Art students had produced multicoloured fabric panels created using block printing and embellished with embroidery or applique. Several year 8 students had produced artworks that they had drawn and designed; they’d used heat-reactive transfer paint and a special heat press to create their design onto fabric before mounting their work in circular frames.
Design & technology teacher Bethany Butterworth welcomed everyone and introduced Minal and her Bollywood Blast dance team. Minal spent a few minutes telling the audience a little bit about the history of saris and describing some sari colours, motifs and features before the dancing kicked off. The dances ranged from classical to more contemporary, Bollywood-inspired dances – at several points audience members could be seen joining in with the artistic hand gestures.
The exhibition was attended by Rotarians, partners and friends, students, their parents as well as other members of the public. There was a great atmosphere and it seemed everyone enjoyed the event – not least the students who seemed very excited to have contributed to a lovely show. Well done to them and to their teachers, particularly Bethany who coordinated the event!
Picture: Rotarians & their partners and friends pose in front of one of the colourful displays. Picture credit: Rotary Club of Canterbury. More pictures and video clips from the evening are available on our Facebook page.