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Future Events

City of Canterbury Show

20th July 2024
Venue: Westgate Gardens
Rotary Clubs in and around Canterbury will be collaborating in a membership drive during the Canterbury City Show which is being held in Westgate Gardens, Canterbury over the weekend of 20th &
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Late afternoon visit and BBQ at the Strode Park Foundation, Herne

23rd July 2024
Venue: Strode Park House, Lower Herne Road, Herne, Herne Bay CT6 7NE
We have been invited to visit Strode Park House and grounds for a late afternoon BBQ where we will be joined by residents and staff of the Strode Park Foundation.
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End Polio Petition – Add your Signature

From the District 1120 Polio Team

The fight to end polio is at a tipping point between success and failure. Last year, there were fewer than 700 cases worldwide, giving us a unique and historic opportunity to end polio now. But our progress is threatened by a funding shortfall of $945 million, a gap that must be closed immediately if we are to succeed.

On 27 September, world leaders will gather in New York City for the United Nations General Assembly. Polio eradication will be discussed. Now is our chance to tell the governments of the world to fund the final push needed to finally eradicate polio.

Rotarians, the world over, their partners, their friends, are being asked take just a moment to sign the following petition at:

The aim is to gather 1 million signatures to be presented to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon as a show of solidarity and support at a special polio event during the UN General Assembly.

Hilary, John, Viv, Colin, Roger, Richard & Noel


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Get in Touch

The Rotary Club of Canterbury
St Lawrence Cricket Ground
Old Dover Road,
Canterbury, Kent,
CT1 3NZ,
United Kingdom

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