Keji’s induction follows that of Vivienne Hird that took place in January and that of Jim Gascoyne last November.
Keji was introduced formally to us by President Stephen Thompson, although many of us already know her as she’s been to a few meetings and she also attended our Christmas dinner. Her sponsor is Rotarian Brian Dobinson; unfortunately he was away for the induction so Past President Martin Ward stood in and told us a little bit about Keji, including the fact that she now works for the DWP but also finds time to run her own charity called Mayah’s Legacy. (Read more about Keji at the end of this article).
Stephen then did the induction and handed Keji her Rotary pin with the classification of “Life Coach”. As always in inductions, he said to Keji that “it will be through your own actions that you become a true Rotarian” and encouraged her participation in our wide range of activities.
Invited to say a few words, Keji simply said she wanted to thank everyone. We look forward to working with Keji over the coming months – in fact she’s already started to become involved with one of our upcoming events!
Picture: President Stephen Thompson, Keji Moses and PP Martin Ward, pictured at Canterbury Golf Club where the meeting was held. Picture credit: Maxine Blades/Rotary Club of Canterbury.
Keji has held several public sector positions as a civil servant for over 25 years. She has also volunteered across a number of voluntary sectors since 1998; she’s also a Certified Life Coach and professional Grief Counsellor, and is an expert in the field of mental well-being and grief management.
Keji founded Mayah’s Legacy in 2020 (www.mayah.org.uk) . Her UK registered charity shines a light on the mental health impacts that follow a pregnancy loss and the long-term impact on the family. Through the charity Keji engages in meaningful conversations in local communities, and works in partnership with other organizations to build awareness. The charity also empowers and supports families affected by this very personal tragedy and advocates for the care they need.
In addition, her CIC (community interest company), “Goddess Hub” (www.goddesshub.uk), aims to connect and improve the lives of women who have experienced pregnancy loss by providing comfort, encouragement, and hope for their progress. Keji listens to their concerns and guides them through the S.O.A.R (Strengths-Opportunities-Aspirations-Results) approach program. She has developed strategies and methods for women to lead a harmonious life and promote a healing journey by awakening their inner goddess. She teaches them how to harness their inner strength, increase their emotional resilience, and use her unique approach to create their own version of inner healing.
As an advocate of women’s mental health, Keji aims to reach more of those who require her expertise through speaking engagements and her books.