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Future Events

Lunchtime meeting: Daughters of Kings: Women of Power in the Kingdom of Kent

11th March 2025
Venue: Howfield Manor Hotel
Lunchtime speaker meeting on 11th March -' Daughters of Kings: Women of Power in the Kingdom of Kent' presented by Dr Andrew Richardson who recently appeared on BBC TV's 'Digging for Britain'.A
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St Patrick's Day Celebration

18th March 2025
Venue: Prince of Wales Youth Club
Join us to celebrate St Patrick's Day and raise funds for the Prince of Wales Youth Club.The Youth Club are providing a suitably themed supper with vegetarian and other dietary needs catered for.The
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Concert at the John Graham Centre

Christmas Concert in Blean at the John Graham Centre for Adults with Learning Difficulties

On the damp and gusty evening of 14th December relations and friends of the Centre’s students were transported to Bethlehem.  Fifteen of the music group sang from a platform in the stable flanked by the ponies, donkeys, goats and sheep who are such a part of the Centre’s education programme. 

The Rev. Stephen Laird read poems and prayers between the carols and narrated the Christmas story.  The concert ended with ‘Jingle Bells’, ‘Rudolph’ and ‘White Christmas’ acompanied by the bells, maraccas and tambourines bought with a grant from Canterbury Rotary Club.  Chris Cook, the Director, and Mo Palios, the music tutor, both said that the instruments had made a great difference not only to musical but to social skills among the students. 

Father Christmas arrived in an illuminated horse-drawn carriage to distribute presents before the evening closed with mince pies and hot drinks. Rotarians Marjorie Lyle and David Barton attended the concert and were delighted to see their donated musical instruments put to good use.

photos by Roger Bickerton

click any image to enlarge

 Music Tutor Mo Palios conducts the performers Dr David Barton looks on as the performers make music


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The Rotary Club of Canterbury
The club doesn’t have a permanent
meeting venue at present. Please
email the address on the Contact
page for meeting venues and times.

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