The 25th World Scout Jamboree will place in SaeManGeum, Jeollabuk-do, in the Republic of Korea and “will enable young people to realise their dreams, make friendships with people from different cultures, and take part in a safe, inclusive and sustainable programme.” (More information here.) The youngsters also hope to help support the local community in Korea in some way while there.
Each youngster managed to get one of the nine available places in the South East for this opportunity – but the cost for each is arouond £4,000. The Trustees of the Millennium Scholarship Trust Fund (a charity* set up by our club) approved £500 for each of the four youngsters (all from the Canterbury City Council district) following their application and an informal interview.
The four youngsters, Alice, Hugo, Jack and Arthur are now on their Korean adventure – we wish them an enjoyable and rewarding experience and look forward to hearing from them at a future Rotary meeting.
*For more about the Millennium Scholarship Trust Fund, click here.
Picture: Alice at the aiport as she heads off on her journey. Picture credit: Jane O’Neill. (Reproduced with permission.)