As well as getting lots of people to sponsor ducks in the upcoming race (on Sunday 10th) they enjoyed meeting visitors and locals who were in town. A big thanks to the generous young man who bought them water too!
The next duck stall will be on Saturday 9th September at Whitefriars. There will also be a some ducks available for sponsorship on race day – but numbers are limited so do try and visit our stall on Saturday. Don’t forget there’s a prize of £250 for the sponsor of the winning duck – and there are other prizes too. All profits go to support the great local and international causes that we support.
UPDATE: Emma from Walrus & Oyster Emporium at 46 Burgate has also agreed to help us get duck sponsors on Saturday 9th – look out for our leaflet in their window.
Picture: Tony, Roger and Jane, our enthusias-chick volunteers. Picture credit: Rotary Club of Canterbury,