The visitor had come along to a lunchtime meeting during which Dr Michelle Hamer spoke eloquently of the work of Chaaria Hospital – an under-resourced rural hospital in Kenya. (See links below for more about this.)
While talking to members the visitor also heard of our previous support for aid afforts to assist the Rohingya in Myanmar/Bangladesh via the charity Children on the Edge. In the end the visitor was moved enough to make a small anonymous donation to support both causes, requesting that the Club’s International Committee consider matching the amount.
The matter was subsequently discussed by the Committee and agreement made to match the donation to the two causes (both of which we have previously supported). As a result a total of £150 was sent (by cheque) to each cause.
We’ve just heard from Dr Michelle Hamer that she pooled the money for the Chaaria Hospital in Kenya together with another donation and bought a number of much-needed digital blood pressure monitors and digital thermometers. She was also able to secure a 15% discount from the Boots store where she made the purchase, which is great news!
It’s really lovely to know that we sometimes receive support at unexpected times, and we’re pleased to have been able to help both causes.
If you would like to consider giving our Club donations towards our local or international causes, please contact us so that we can discuss your donation with you:
Email: info@rotarycanterbury.org.uk. (In the subject line of your message please state whether it’s a local or international donation that you’re considering.)
Our articles about previous donations to the two causes:
For further information about Children on the Edge click here.
For further information about Chaaria hospital click here. (Blog in Italian)
Picture: Much-needed digital blood pressure monitors and thermometers destined for the hospital in Kenya. Picture credit: Dr Michelle Hamer.