Do look out for the latest issue popping through your post box. If you don’t receive a copy you can always see the online version in the local CommunityAd archive by clicking here. See issue 32, pg 16 for the latest article.
CommunityAd’s support has helped us raise our visibility and, by doing so, the magazine is helping us to help others.
Do you belong to an organisation that could offer us “in-kind” support? Do contact us if so.
Don’t forget you can see our most recent news and activities on our web site: www.rotarycanterbury.org.uk or at:
- facebook page: www.facebook.com/rotarycanterbury
- twitter (@RotaryCantUK): twitter.com/RotaryCantUK
- instagram (@rotaryclubofcanterbury): www.instagram.com/rotaryclubofcanterbury
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Picture: CommunityAd magazine. Picture credit: CommunityAd, reproduced with permission.