A small flock of assorted birds headed near the Western Docks at Dover to get some cooling sea air and, for those that will take part in the Rotary Club of Canterbury’s fundraising Annual Duck Race in September, there was a chance to do some training in different conditions.
The ‘gaggle’ included Seafarer Duck (who, with some nautical eggs-perience, was overseeing the training) and the three ducks that had gone to Lanzarote for training earlier in the year (see our previous story). Lord Nelson Duck had joined them en route from Trafalgar.
The heat and eggs-ercise left them all eggs-hausted – so they retired later for some liquid refreshment, a soothing bath and a restful sleep.
Picture: The group of ‘Dover Western Ducks’ enjoying the cooling sea breeze! Picture credit: Bob Anderson/Rotary Club of Canterbury.