Rotarians from all three Canterbury clubs (ourselves, Sunrise and Forest of Blean) gathered together with invited guests at the Golden Lion in Broad Oak yesterday for another in what seems to be our annual (friendly) Bat & Trap challenge! (Read about previous matches here and here.)
For those that are unfamiliar with the game, it’s said to be a precursor of cricket (you can learn more about its history here). Basically, it’s a team game in which one teams bats while the other bowls. Central to play is a little see-saw-like trap device that you have to knock to launch the hard rubber ball into the air before you hit it with the bat.
Our players were divided up into teams playing on the two pitches set up at the Golden Lion. PP Mike Talbot had the job of organising our attendance and overseeing our team – not an easy task!
While there were several experienced players at the challenge, it has to be said that the rules were a little unclear to all and there were a number of novices who asked to have some practice before the first hit. “Ohhhh, is THAT how it all works?” one player was heard to say, while another mumbled: “How you score this game remains a mystery to me!” Others, unsatisfied with their first attempts at hitting the ball could be heard meekly requesting: “Can I have another practice”? (It’s rumoured that one person had 10 practice shots!)
It was fun to see the very different styles adopted by the players. Some showed immense focus and determination while others approached the challenge with trepidation or laughter. At one point one player was seen to be in hysterics, vainly trying to control his giggles as he stepped up to the trap.
The ball didn’t always travel as expected, with “where’s the ball?” being called out on several occasions. As expected, there were some light-hearted accusations of cheating and lots of laughter. Onlookers cheered and applauded a good hit, while they oohed and aahed as the ball was bowled back towards the trap (hitting over a small white flap at the front of the trap leads to the batsman being “bowled out”). Everyone voiced support for their team-mates: “Our secret weapon is still to come,” called out one team. But there was gentle teasing too. “Have we got a joker to play?” one person asked. “I’m on, dear!” came back the wry reply.
Anyway, all was good and everyone seemed to have a nice time, including Amelia (our MGSE representative who joined us for the evening) and Sue, a visitor from Faversham. The winner – we are told – was the Rotary Club of Canterbury Sunrise. Forest of Blean came second. We came last, though if you look at it positively, we were in bronze position!
The evening ended with a buffet supper served by the staff at the Golden Lion, and a raffle that raised some funds for The Rotary Foundation. Well done to all that took part and to everyone that helped organise the event.
Picture: Rotarian Jim gets into full swing! Picture credit: Rotary Club of Canterbury.
Further pictures can be seen on our Facebook page here.