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St Patrick's Day Celebration

18th March 2025
Venue: Prince of Wales Youth Club
Join us to celebrate St Patrick's Day and raise funds for the Prince of Wales Youth Club.The Youth Club are providing a suitably themed supper with vegetarian and other dietary needs catered for.The
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8th April Evening meeting with Michael Harman talking about Colour Buddy

8th April 2025
Venue: Howfield Manor Hotel
8th April evening meeting with Michael Harman introducing his Colour Buddy fundraising concept.
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Visit to Bretts Aggregate Works at Cliffe

On july 4th 2012 a group of 18 Rotarians and partners visited Bretts Aggregate & Landscaping installation at Cliffe, on the Isle of Grain.  The visit was organised by the Vocational Service Committee.

photos by Jenny Anderson
click on any image to enlarge

Excited visitors being taken by minibuses to Bretts large installation at Cliffe

we all liked the safety gear

…as well as the food afterwards

Two minibuses collected us at Brett’s Head Office in Chartham and transported us to Bretts Aggregate and Landscaping works at Cliffe.   The reassuring figure of Tim Brett was there to greet us on the wind swept quayside, and explain our day.   We boarded the Britannia Beaver which is dredging for the London Gateway project, the largest container port in Europe.   We saw 5,000 tons of sand being discharged on to shore based conveyor belts.   Apparently 3.5 million tons will be dredged up.    

We were conducted around the dredger by various ships officers who clearly took pride in the way the ship is maintained.   We then had an excellent buffet lunch, followed by a presentation on the landscaping side of the business.   Three fully automated production lines churn out millions of paving stones a year, and we had a chance to see the whole process.

A really good day, excellently organised and presented.   Where there’s muck, there’s money!!



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The Rotary Club of Canterbury
The club doesn’t have a permanent
meeting venue at present. Please
email the address on the Contact
page for meeting venues and times.

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