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Founders Dinner - Celebrating 103 years of the Rotary Club of Canterbury

25th February 2025
Venue: Howfield Manor Hotel
Founders Dinner - 25th February 'Celebrating 103 years of the Rotary Club of Canterbury.
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Lunchtime meeting: Daughters of Kings: Women of Power in the Kingdom of Kent

11th March 2025
Venue: Howfield Manor Hotel
Lunchtime speaker meeting on 11th March -' Daughters of Kings: Women of Power in the Kingdom of Kent' presented by Dr Andrew Richardson who recently appeared on BBC TV's 'Digging for Britain'.A
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Our Presidents

1922/23 Wright Hunt, JP 1975/76 Cecil Wren
1923/24 Frank Amos, JP 1976/77 Andy Martin
1924/25 Percy Finn 1977/78 George Kerr
1925/26 Herbert Biggleston 1978/79 Victor Banks
1926/27 Alfred Baynton, OBE 1979/80 Warwick Elvy, JP
1927/28 Harold Young, DSO, MC, JP 1980/81 David Riceman
1928/29 George Browning, JP 1981/82 Oliver Davies
1929/30 William Hamilton 1982/83 Derek Evans
1930/31 Alvis Stapley 1983/84 Jack Phillipson JP
1931/32 Alfred Brownscombe 1984/85 Ken Beere
1932/33 Herbert Rigden 1985/86 Sidney Roe
1933/34 George Barrett 1986/87 John Sullivan
1934/45 Frank Hooker, JP 1987/88 John Harris
1935/36 Frank Wood 1988/89 Keith Laugharne
1936/37 Harold Dawton 1989/90 Alastair Scott
1937/38 Sidney Bligh 1990/91 Roger Clarke
1938/39 John McLaren 1991/92 Roddy Tyndale-Biscoe
1939/40 Bertie Mead 1992/93 John Hill
1940/41 Garnet Denne, JP 1993/94 Barry Rice, JP
1941/42 Alan Ritchie 1994/95 Michael Bridgeford
1942/43 Percy Edmondson 1995/96 Ray Sandy
1943/44 William Brett 1996/97 Mike Talbot
1944/45 Arthur Petts 1997/98 Leonard Rea
1945/46 Stanley Jennings, OBE, JP 1998/99 Tim Brett JP
1946/47 Alan Pennington 1999/00 Adair Roche JP
1947/48 John Thompson, MBE 2000/01 Sidney Denham
1948/49 Charles Lloyd 2001/02 Ian Wright
1949/50 Gilbert Kennett, JP 2002/03 Roger Bickerton
1950/51 George Hall 2003/04 Richard Akister
1951/52 John Godley 2004/05 Peter Hodge
1952/53 Leonard Danks 2005/06 Jake Davies
1953/54 Arthur Wilson 2006/07 Philip Abbott
1954/55 Howard Overy 2007/08 Alan Forrest
1955/56 Sidney Terry 2008/09 David Barton
1956/57 Walter Scarborough, OBE 2009/10 Richard Kemball-Cook
1957/58 Horace Hopper 2010/11 Robert Yonge
1958/59 Wilfred Mowll 2011/12 Harry Cragg
1959/60 Campbell Ashenden 2012/13 Robert Boyd-Howell
1960/61 Eric Shepherd 2013/14 Geoffrey Goodban
1961/62 Malcolm Harvey 2014/15 Vivian Pritchard
1962/63 Cyril Fox 2015/16 Peter Hermitage, QPM
1963/64 Leonard Hart 2016/17 Martin Ward
1964/65 Fred Nason 2017/18 Sharon Jordan
1965/66 John Tyler 2018/19 Margaret Griffin
1966/67 Robert Brazier 2019/20 Neil Fraser
1967/68 John Williamson 2020/21 Alan Mepstead
1968/69 Harold Wood 2021/22 Stephen Thompson
1969/70 Peter Mason 2022/23 Tony Loughran
1970/71 Harold Hewett 2023/24 Rosemary Doyle
1971/72 David Thompson, MBE, JP 2024/25 Maxine Blades
1972/73 Tom Barker
1973/74 Francis Rawes, MBE
1974/75 Victor Whorwell

Presidents whose names are in bold blue have recorded their recollections of their Presidential years. Click their names to display their recollections.


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The Rotary Club of Canterbury
The club doesn’t have a permanent
meeting venue at present. Please
email the address on the Contact
page for meeting venues and times.

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