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Donation: ShelterBoxes for Kerala flood relief

Readers will probably have heard about the massive flood devastation in the south Indian state of Kerala. Our Club is supporting relief efforts through the purchase of two ShelterBoxes, at a total cost of £1300.

The decision to buy these was made on the advice of Rotary District (1120). The need is urgent and a ShelterBox team is already working on the ground. 

Each green ShelterBox contains materials and tools that will help disater-stricken families rebuild their lives. This may include tarpaulin, corrugated sheeting, tools and equipment to assist with temporary accomodation and shelter. Other items may help provide light, warmth and ways to get clean water. To learn more about a ShelterBox’s contents, click here.

Read here about Rotary’s flood appeal


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The Rotary Club of Canterbury
St Lawrence Cricket Ground
Old Dover Road,
Canterbury, Kent,
CT1 3NZ,
United Kingdom

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