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City of Canterbury Show

20th July 2024
Venue: Westgate Gardens
Rotary Clubs in and around Canterbury will be collaborating in a membership drive during the Canterbury City Show which is being held in Westgate Gardens, Canterbury over the weekend of 20th &
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Late afternoon visit and BBQ at the Strode Park Foundation, Herne

23rd July 2024
Venue: Strode Park House, Lower Herne Road, Herne, Herne Bay CT6 7NE
We have been invited to visit Strode Park House and grounds for a late afternoon BBQ where we will be joined by residents and staff of the Strode Park Foundation.
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Waitrose Community Matters – our ‘bucket’

Ever popped into Waitrose in Canterbury and wondered what to do with the little green token when you finish your shop?

Well, Waitrose have just added us along with two other worthy charities to their trio of Community Matters charities for August – so why don’t you pop your token in ‘our’ bucket next time you’re passing? Tell all your friends and families too!

As you probably know, we care a great deal about the local community. Over the last few years our Club and our Members have supported a lot of local causes – either with donations or with our time. Here are just a few that come to mind: Porchlight, Mustard Seed Singers, St Nicholas School, Tools for Self Reliance/Pilgrims Hospices, The Prince of Wales Youth Club, Kent Little Owl Project, Olympic hopeful Rachel Hanagan, The Kent MS Therapy Centre, Hi Kent, Canterbury Food Bank, The Lady Mayoress’s Charity, Kent Surrey Sussex Air Ambulance, Rising Sun, Christmas Dinners for care leavers, the Fifth Trust, Catching Lives, PCSA Kent, the Lord Mayor of Canterbury’s Fund….and so many others.

We’ve also helped at local school with careers, we run Innovation and Christmas writing competitions and support the English Speaking Union with its public speaking competition. We’ve even helped a very poorly little girl have her first ever birthday party!

We care, so please show us you do too.

Waitrose Community Matters is a scheme where the store supports local good causes – with the public deciding who gets what. Many thanks to Waitrose for giving us this opportunity, to Rtn Deborah Connolly for arranging this – and thanks of course to all of you who pop a token in for us!

Picture: Our Community Matters bucket at Waitrose, Canterbury, alongside buckets from two other worthy causes, Young Epilepsy and SSAFA. Picture credit: Rotary Club of Canterbury. 



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Get in Touch

The Rotary Club of Canterbury
St Lawrence Cricket Ground
Old Dover Road,
Canterbury, Kent,
CT1 3NZ,
United Kingdom

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