We have all seen the desperate plight of the Rohingya refugees, especially that of young children who are currently living in large refugee camps in Bangladesh.
Our club has been looking into charities that we feel can make a real difference to their lives. Thanks to the Times Christmas Appeal our Club learned about a charity called Children on the Edge, who are helping to provide education for Rohingya refugee children in Bangladesh. Children on the Edge has developed a unique model of delivering primary education to the Rohingya children living in the camps and estimates that it helps around 2,700 children receive primary education.
Picture description: Rohingya Children in a Bangladesh refugee camp. Picture credit: Children on the Edge; reproduced with permission. (Please contact Children on the Edge for permission to use this image).
To find out more:
Education for Rohingya Refugee Children (Children on the Edge)
Children on the Edge/Times Christmas Charity Appeal
Children on the Edge Rohingya Crisis November update (PDF)*
*Note that the sutuation is continually evolving.