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Future Events

Club Christmas Dinner

10th December 2024
Venue: Harris Suite - Kent Cricket Ground
 The Club's Christmas Dinner is being held on Tuesday, 10th December, in the Harris Suite at the Canterbury Cricket Ground, at 7pm.
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Canterbury Christmas lights and Market

17th December 2024
Venue: Cafe Nero St Georges St. Canterbury
President Maxine invites you to join her for a coffee at Café Nero at 4.30 pm on Tuesday, 17th December before visiting the Canterbury Christmas Market and viewing the Christmas lights.
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A thanks from MSTF grant recipient

It’s great to hear back from Alice, one of our MTSF* grant recipients – back safe and sound from the World Scout Jamboree in South Korea.

You may recall that we posted an article when Alice set off for her trip back in early August. Since then of course we all heard in the news about the difficulties the Jamboree had faced, so it was quite a relief to receive a letter of thanks from Alice and learn about the wonderful time she and her fellow scouts had enjoyed. In her letter she states: “The experiences and memories I gained from the jamboree are invaluable” and adds “I am going to try my best to help as many other people as possible with their personal jamboree journey. I’m doing this in the spirit of paying forward the kindness you showed me.” We think that’s rather wonderful. 

*To learn more about the Millennium Scholarship Trust Fund, click here.

Picture: A picture of the streets of Seoul. Picture credit: Alice O.N. (Cropped and eproduced with permission)


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The Rotary Club of Canterbury
The club doesn’t have a permanent
meeting venue at present. Please
email the address on the Contact
page for meeting venues and times.

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