Altogether around 18 people representing the five Pentangular club gathered in the Belgian City for the weekend – a mix of “avid Pentagular -goers” as well as people with limited or no Pentangular experience.
The aim of the trip was to discuss how our five clubs might best work together in the future. The meeting that followed, facilitated by Erik Vanderlinden, created an ad-hoc brainstorming working group nicknamed “Penta Next Gen” – with the assignment: “How can we ensure that Pentangular is ready for the next 50 years?”
The entire group also discussed our Joint Pentangular Projects (JPPs) – these are the “large” projects which we jointly work on. (One of these projects, for instance, helped support students in a school in South Sudan). Other foci of discussion included friendship, Rotary activities, communications and the Mini Group Study Exchange (MGSE).
In summarising the meeting Eric stated: “The members of the clubs must realise that Pentangular is a precious treasure. 50 years of unbroken interconnectedness in true friendship and a unique framework to most efficiently and effectively shape the international vocation of a Rotary Club is indeed something few imitate and many envy.”
Picture: Leuven Cathedra (Library picture)l. Picture credit: Hanneke Visschers from Pixabay.