The Canterbury issue of CommunityAd is a local magazine that has been very supportive of our work (and the work of many others) in-and-around Canterbury. Given our long ties – and service to – the community, it’s lovely that they have included an article on us. They also give a mention to our three latest “recruits”: Jim Gascoyne, Vivienne Hird and Keji Moses. (Interested in joining us? Get in touch!)
If you don’t receive the magazine through your letterbox, you can read the article here, Go to issue 37, pages 20 & 21 for our article. There’s also an article about Inner Wheel and one about Mayah’s Legacy, the charity run by Keji Moses, our newest Member, in the same issue.
Our District’s Rotary Magazine also leads with an article about our Centenary – in which it mentions our Mother club (The Rotary Club of Canterbury) and our Grandmother (The Rotary Club of London). The former celebrated its 100th year last year, you may remember.
We’re very grateful for these articles – they help raise awareness of what we do and strengthen our ties to the local community, so many thanks to both magazines. Of course our Centenary year is just starting – so there’ll be even more to report on soon!