Our members are always happy to help Marie Curie with its collections, and once again it was a pleasure to help the charity during the collection for its Great Daffodil Appeal at Morrisons in Canterbury over the weekend of 6-8th March.
A number of our members signed up to give some of their time over the weekend. Organiser from our club, Past President Richard Kemball-Cook, encouraged us all by reminding us that we would “get to wear a silly hat” and take part in one of the “loveliest” collections the club undertakes as “everyone is so enthusiastic”.
We’d like to thank all of our volunteers (and all other volunteers for this cause) and of course members of the local community for their support.
Marie Curie provides end of life support for people, whatever the illness. For those who want to know more about its work, want to donate to its appeal or want to know how else to support it, you can visit its website here.
Picture: President Maxine Blades and Past Presidents Robert Yonge and Phil Abbott represent Rotary in Canterbury’s support while collecting for the Great Daffodil Appeal at Morrisons. Picture credit: Maxine Blades/Rotary Club of Canterbury.