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Members doing their own little bit to help the environment

The talk that we had the other day from PP Neil Fraser reminded us that we can all also do our little bit to help the environment. We encourage readers to do their own exploration for recycling opportunities in their local community.

Rotarian Bob Anderson and PP John Hill collect a few items from Members that can be useful to others rather than go into landfill – stamps, trade tools, spectacles, green plastic milk bottle tops and ring pulls being just a few (to help the local  hospice and other charities and causes). We aren’t set up to do this among the community, but we do encourage others to find out what recycling options there are in their community. One man’s unwanted goods may be useful to another!

Picture: Bob Anderson has collected some old spectacles (and cases) which will eventually be sent to Africa. Picture credit: Bob Anderson/ Rotary Club of Canterbury.


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Get in Touch

The Rotary Club of Canterbury
St Lawrence Cricket Ground
Old Dover Road,
Canterbury, Kent,
CT1 3NZ,
United Kingdom

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