As our Members were reminded during a recent talk, different social media platforms have different audiences. Recently one of our newest Members, Shabana Raman, suggested that we start an Instagram account so as to gain a wider audience and connect with other Rotary clubs in the UK and around the world. It’s also a great way of connecting with the local community.
Instagram has totally different demographics to Facebook and Twitter. For example, it’s mostly popular with younger users: 67% of 18 to 29 year olds. Through Instagram we hope to engage with this audience, helping to raise the profile of the many charities and good causes that we support and also increasing awareness of our actvities that are targetted at young people, such as our Innovation Competition. We’ll also be sharing more news about what other Rotarians are getting up to, here or abroad.
We invite readers to follow our account and share our posts with colleagues, contacts, family & friends: (@rotaryclubofcanterbury)
We don’t have much on there at the moment, but hope to build on what we have with time. Why not follow us and see what we post?!
Don’t forget, we’re also on Twitter: RotaryCantUK
and Facebook: Follow us there too for all our latest news and activities!
Picture: a screen grab of our instagram account (on a laptop!)
With thanks to Shabana Raman for assistance with this text.