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Future Events

City of Canterbury Show

20th July 2024
Venue: Westgate Gardens
Rotary Clubs in and around Canterbury will be collaborating in a membership drive during the Canterbury City Show which is being held in Westgate Gardens, Canterbury over the weekend of 20th &
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Late afternoon visit and BBQ at the Strode Park Foundation, Herne

23rd July 2024
Venue: Strode Park House, Lower Herne Road, Herne, Herne Bay CT6 7NE
We have been invited to visit Strode Park House and grounds for a late afternoon BBQ where we will be joined by residents and staff of the Strode Park Foundation.
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Lord Mayor’s Christmas Collection 2014

The weather was kind this year for the annual street collection in the City Centre for the Lord Mayor of Canterbury’s Christmas Gift Fund and twenty-four members of our Club assisted in encouraging the passers-by to be generous in supporting this worthy cause. Some dressed more flamboyantly than others!!

A regular attender at this event was Roger Burville, who has participated for over 50 years and who brought a “digital” organ on this occasion. There was also an added attraction with stirring music from the band of the Princess of Wales’s Royal Regiment, who had offered to come in the morning to support the Lord Mayor. They soon drummed up a crowd, and over £1,000 was collected on that one day!

(Our Club has had an active involvement with the Christmas Gift Fund since 1952 when Harold Young, a Canterbury Rotarian at the time (and a one-time RIBI President), was instrumental in founding the Charity).

photos by Sheila Cragg & Robin Hendy – click or tap images to enlarge

 The mobile Digital Organ entertains and fascinates the children


The Band of the Princess of Wales’ Royal Regiment


 Father Christmas (Harry Cragg) looking for donations



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Get in Touch

The Rotary Club of Canterbury
St Lawrence Cricket Ground
Old Dover Road,
Canterbury, Kent,
CT1 3NZ,
United Kingdom

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